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杰克最无形的东西是他的自信。他看起来很清楚自己在做什么而且他已经准备好领导了。他很少慌乱,也很少做出愚蠢的动作……虽然他的中距离跳投很稳定,但他的远射需要提高。同样的,他也需要提高自己的能力。他不像一些后卫那么快,但他应该能够挤进去,要么完成比赛,要么传球……一个推论:以这样的罚球命中率,他需要场均两次以上的出手。杰克需要表现出能力和坚韧,才能在防守端与各种各样的NBA一线控卫保持一致。让他的球员在他的前面,让他感到困扰,这对开拓者的防守和篮板计划至关重要……我猜另一个大考验是挡拆战术。 It's a basic play but it requires some precision and good decision making from the guard. The "jumping the dribbler" defense creates double teams that Jack will have to bail out of skillfully. Appearances aside, it's not easy to pick this up at the NBA level where guys are hyper-athletic and plays happen so fast. It's possible that as goes this set so will go both Jack and the team portion of our offense.



与大多数新秀相比,布兰登最大的资产是他对比赛的了解。他能够充分发挥自己的能力,他也看到了其他球员……紧随其后的是他改变方向的能力。他更狡猾,而不是简单的快速,所以看看他如何面对经验丰富的守卫会很有趣……对于一个6英尺6英寸的人来说,他处理球非常好,传球也很体面。布兰登就像球场上的第二个控卫……罗伊的外线投篮还有待改进,尤其是在NBA的水平上……他几乎每天晚上都表现得很好,大多数晚上都表现得很好,偶尔也会表现得很出色,但他不会成为今年球队的救世主……我们这里从来没有见过这么全面、扎实的年轻人。他会得到上场时间,他会产生影响。 You'll love his style of play and his commitment to the little things. Barring injury, disaster, or the team moving, he'll be a key cog in Portland for a long time.




他最大的优势一直是他对进攻中球的位置有着不可思议的感觉。在他周围的对手面前,他在进攻板上的表现就像魔法一样……扎克是场上任何地方的武器。现在他是开拓者唯一的纯种的,真正的得分手。没有人能像他那样给对方的防守带来压力。毫无疑问,他也是唯一一个可以连续包夹的球员。扎克在一些他不需要的地方表现得很平庸,因为它们没有逻辑意义。他的防守篮板能力一般,尽管他在进攻端表现出色。他在罚球方面相对较差,因为他有这样的射程……他的投篮命中率对于一个顶级联赛的大前锋来说是非常糟糕的。 Zach is a non-factor on defense. He's not built for steals or blocks and he seems to lose interest when the ball isn't in his hands. For a guy who uses his body like an impresario on offense, he lets an awful lot of people go around and through him... He sets poor picks and really runs most offensive sets poorly unless and until he's getting the ball... His passing is inconsistent...He has fluctuating conditioning issues. This might be part of why he doesn't hustle down the floor... It is time for us to come to grips with one fact that's becoming less and less deniable as time goes on: Zach does not want to be here.



还有更大更明显的资产,但我想以乔尔的心脏作为开头。他在球场上很紧张,但又没有失控。他从不放弃比赛。他在防守时很少会跑位。他犯的错误是委托而不是疏忽。显然他的盖帽能力是无与伦比的。乔尔行动自如,反应也很好。减轻体重和在拳击场上训练都是伟大的决定……他可能在进攻上有局限,但他在挡拆上是毁灭性的……挑战清单上的第一项肯定是犯规麻烦…… Przybilla sometimes has trouble guarding bulky players straight up... If I'm Portland I want Przybilla starting, I want him vocal, and I want him a little angry. I want to see 10 rebounds, 3 blocks, and 4 fouls out of him per night.我也会用挡拆战术。如果他能通过三次扣篮和一两次投篮给我8-10分,我会欣喜若狂。我想让球队的其他队员吸取他的防守能量……如果每个人都投入的话,普兹比拉就是那种能打出毁灭性防守的人。我完全相信,除非伤病,两年内这将成为波特兰的名片。



崔维斯的啤酒花比啤酒厂里的兔子还多。他把座位升得很高,还能当漂浮装置用。每次特拉维斯走垂直路线,他就好像进入了一个新的区号……他正在发展几个半稳定的动作,最引人注目的是他的转身跳投,当它进的时候,是一件值得注意的事情。他的所有动作看起来都比过去更加稳定。阻碍特拉维斯发展的最大问题是他的接球能力……对于一个在跳跃和扣篮上茁壮成长的人来说,特拉维斯不能让人太多……他视野狭窄,很可怕。一些看起来最荒谬的镜头从他的手中飞出来(比如,“现在请让我坐板凳,我不知道我在做什么。”)……你想让他在防守端制造更多的单人破坏…… You never know what you'll get out of Travis one night to the next... You need to see more out of this kid. He had a chance last year and couldn't capitalize. He's likely to have a bigger opportunity this year. His all-around game must pick up and if he's decided to be an offensive force we need to see more passion, consistency, and better judgment.



当你想到马爹利·韦伯斯特,你就会想到射击。他的动作和释放像雪一样纯净,而且比雪漂亮两倍……虽然不那么明显,但同样重要的是,马爹利有职业道德,而且他似乎很容易接受指导。他想好起来……从一个主要是射手的人那里,一个低于40%的投篮剪辑并不好。这个赛季最好能涨30-40分……除了身体,马泰尔缺乏知识、本能,也缺乏横向移动双脚的能力。尽管他有职业道德,但有些比赛他就是无法进入正轨。当他的情况变得糟糕时,往往会变得非常糟糕……他没有明确的立场。 There's no doubt that Martell will fit in somewhere. The question is where. His skill is so rare that we've got to find a way to use him. The problem is he's likely to be the kind of player that you need to compensate for, and we've already got a few of those. As soon as you play more than one at a time you start running into problems.



迪克森是去年我们后场少数几个能在压力下干净投篮的球员之一。他拿球时左右移动速度快得令人难以置信……他有一种进攻方式,可以制造犯规,他会投进那些慈善投篮……他是后场唯一有经验的球员之一。胡安身材矮小,运动能力不强。他必须欺骗你才能得分……他防守得不好。他在进攻上的敏捷并没有转化为停留在他的对手面前……他倾向于专注于自己的得分……他并不是总能在转换中回来。我知道没人想见胡安,但我们会在今年年初见到他。 We need the offensive outlet, the experience, and the dribbling ability. He's not the type of guy that will be a key player on a playoff squad, but he's serviceable for what we need right now. (Basically live bodies, scoring, and some idea of how to play without getting completely lost or embarrassed.)



马格洛瓦擅长篮板。他是一名出色的进攻篮板手,并且有足够的防守板让他变得合法……他有NBA的身材和很远的距离。他还会砰的一声……除了一个赛季外,他的表现非常持久。你可以期待他在82场比赛中全力以赴……他的进攻能力有限。对于一个在内线打拼的球员来说,他的投篮命中率从可以接受到可怕……他是个黑洞……他也把球转了不少。 You take your chances giving him the ball unless it's a dunk... He's not a bad position defender but he's not spectacular either. He won't change the game for you on that end of the court...Beware the horrible, stinky free throw shooting... Magloire's contract is probably my favorite part of this pick up at this point... I am very concerned about what he might do to gum up our already sludgy offense... He will not provide Joel's presence in the paint on the defensive end though. He's got to put those long arms to better use down there.



拉马库斯最引人注目的一点是他很圆滑。他动作优雅,毫不费力,掩盖了他的身高。他的提升速度很快,时机也很好。他也会是一个很好的攻防转换球员,对于他这种身材的人来说,他有很好的上下速度……他已经有了几次低位移动,随着他的全职工作,他应该会有更多的发展。他的旋转和释放和他比赛的其他部分一样流畅。他可能永远不会有太多的闪光点,但他看起来是那种很可靠的人……这个男孩能反弹。他也会是个盖帽手……在他准备好进入nba之前,他的力量和体型还需要大量的锻炼…… He's not a good passer... Neither is he a free throw guy. We have too much of that too... He's at least a year away from contributing significantly... It's not that Lamarcus would embarrass you if you threw him out there. He's smart and gifted enough to play decently. This isn't an early Travis Outlaw thing. The problem is he'd probably get you 6 points and 3 rebounds while giving up 8 and 6 to the opponents... I'm very interested to see what LA looks and plays like next summer. That ought to be his coming out party. Anything this year is a bonus.



无论是运球还是接球,迪考都有漂亮的远射。你不能丢下他不管……尽管看起来很谦逊,但丹在比赛中有一点活力和风格。他得分的方式比你想象的要多……他能控球,很少出现失误……至于他是否能成为nba级别的控卫,目前还没有定论。有他在,进攻就不那么顺利了。本质上他更像是一个得分手。这不是史蒂夫·布莱克,第二部分…他的整体命中率从来都不高,而且在最近几年变得非常糟糕。 He doesn't give you anything other than potential scoring. He doesn't have the body to defend or rebound... I expect Dickau to see decent minutes for stretches during the year where the young guys just aren't producing. He just can't defend people well enough to justify a solid spot though. If even modest expectations come true for the young guys he'll be relegated to the bench.


Raef LaFrentz

拉夫伦兹以他的外线投篮而闻名。你喜欢这样把对方大个子拉出来防守他……他的另一张名片(至少在历史上)是他的长臂盖帽。他在职业生涯早期的场均数据确实惊人。他是我们队中一个大个子,他真的可以传球……他看过很多比赛,不会被吓到的。他对自己的角色也没有幻想。他会是个好队友……他的比赛充满了“过去”。他的数据,尤其是防守数据,在过去的四年里一直很糟糕。 You depend on big guys to bring up your team scoring percentage. LaFrentz won't... He's never been a great rebounder or post defender... He's not particularly mobile... I could see Raef in on a lot of game (or quarter) ending sets. You have to respect him and that means the middle is less clogged for the dribbler coming from the top of the arc. That's the kind of thing--limited and specialized--that's going to be his bread and butter. He's not a big minute answer.



大家都说塞尔吉奥擅长传球。如果名单保持不变,他将是球队中唯一有天赋的球员……随着传球而来的是处理球的能力。我们真的需要一个人来处理压力,罗德里格斯可能就是那个人……他不是一个得分手,但显然他可以在需要的时候得到投篮机会。他的投篮命中率相当高。有报道称他还擅长制造犯规。他的经验有限。他连自己的俱乐部都没开始。他有很多东西要学…… As his competition has gotten tougher his stats have declined.... The book on him is that he will help the other team stay in the game as much as he helps yours. His decision making will have to improve and he will have to become known for his solid play more than his flashy passing... He's not physically imposing. It remains to be seen whether he can take an NBA-level beating or even begin to guard bulkier opposing players. Defense has never been his emphasis anyway... This smells like a player who--unless he buckles down hard--is going to get under Nate's skin big time... I don't really expect much from Spanish Chocolate this season. The playing time he gets will likely be modest and any positive contributions he makes a pleasant surprise.

BZZZZT !谢谢你的参与。这是你的安慰奖。(拍,拍,拍塞尔吉奥显然超出了我的预期一两码。他在比赛中仍然有一些漏洞,但有时他的进攻贡献是如此巨大,以至于你都没有注意到。




总的来说,我认为我做得还不错。整个团队似乎都在正确的轨道上。我没想到他们会赢这么多。结果是 在那里他们的整体动力比我想象的要高。而且新秀们发展得很快。让我们希望在年底会有更多快乐的故事。
