
Blazer 2007-2008 - Here are my predictions, what are yours?

Through the year bloggers are always saying "I said this, I predicted that, blah blah blah"

Well, let's create a post where we can make our predictions, link to it, and at the end of the year we can all go over what we thought would happen and what really happened? I want to at least do this for myself because I know that I change my mind as the year goes on and i see more, and it'd just be nice to see where I started.

My predictions.

So preseason has gone on a bit and we've had a consistent look at what the players can do. I'm finally ready to make my predictions.

I've been stuck predicting around 38-42 wins before the summer even began. This is a number I thought we'd be at after last year, pre Oden and assuming Zach would be gone so Aldridge could play. I figured talent would develop and we'd just miss a play-off spot. As we're still in that situation, I gotta stick with those numbers.

We still have a ways to go and the west only gets tougher, so I'll make my prediction at 38. I think we'll have a few injuries. If we make it through the season 100% healthy, I think we hit 42 and a possible low end play-off spot. We're goign to be schooled by a number of teams, but we're also going to learn and adapt quickly. I think we'll see a HUGE leap frog AFTER this year. Oden is goin to be behind the curve big time if he doesn't do studying and an early training camp.

Below are approximate stats. I expect these to vary a little but general ball park they sound good to me.

LMA - 21 points, 9rb, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1block, 1.8 turnovers
Roy - 19 points, 4.5 rbounds, 4.5 assists, 1 steal, .7 blocks, 1.6 turnovers
Webster - 3 3pts, 19 points, 5 rb, 2 assists, 2 steals, .6 blocks, 2.1 turnovers
Pryz - 4 pts, 10rebounds, 0 assists, 0 steals, 2 blocks, 3 turnovers
TO - 13 pts, 6 rebounds, 0 assists, 1.5 steals, 1.8 blocks, 3 turnovers

I know these might be a bit high, but oh well, I'm an optimist :)

Point guard situation: JJ will be our starter (which is predictable now because we've been told but I actually started writing this a few days ago and I THINK that was before it was mentioned anywhere, but I think he'll stay our starter as some sources are predicting he won't. I just don't see the play I had expected from blake). Green will not get as much playing time as Nate said. Instead Sergio will see more time.

SF situation: Webster is obviously starting and will wow the basketball world. Teams will focus on him and his productivity will dip a little and then he'll come back.

Roy hurts his heal again.


Aldridge makes the All-star game (why not for fun!)
Roy makes the all-star game
Heck, webster makes the all star! (i'm on a roll, why stop?)

sophs our going to SMASH the freshman this year.

Of course, all these predictions are based on lack of injury... fingers crossed.

Everyone else?

Update [2007-10-26 15:0:48 by ratbastird]:I had forgotten something else I'd predicted: Blazers will win early in the season as other teams start slow and don't care. After the all star break we'll have a more difficult time winning as intensity ramps up and the coasters come to play. I agree the blazers will beat the spurs in their first game.