

塞尔吉奥是怎么让所有人热血沸腾的?这家伙在联盟的其他28支球队都没有上场的机会,但我们却想解雇他,因为他不上场。我去年没拿到,今年也没拿到。人们为他找借口,大肆宣传他,似乎都对他睁大了眼睛。他还不是一个好球员,接受吧。他可以吗?我想说是的,但这段时间还不行。如果塞尔吉奥不在队里的话,成为一个球迷会容易得多,因为他控制着每一个话题。如果他真那么好,内特就会扮演他。事实是他个子矮,身体弱,没有防守能力,也不会投篮。 He doesn't run a half court offense very well either. The only thing he would be above average in is running the break. He does excell there. Nate would not bench a guy that would help the team (or in some of your oppinions, win the MVP, the NBA title cure cancer and create a vaccine for HIV) because of some hidden personal vendetta. It's Nates job to lead his teamt to victories not piss off blazer fans by not playing Sergio.