
教练Nate - 好教练,谁可以说?


有一个响亮的少数人撕成Nate not too long ago. They complained about substituting. They complained that their favorite players weren't playing, and they were shouting to fire him.

What's changed with Nate? We're winning. That's really it.

So... Good coach or bad coach?


这是GSOM Blogger不得不说的话:

“Sonic Nate McMillan先生是一位联盟的最大的捍卫者,究竟知道如何关闭这位勇士队并将它们持续到丑陋的40.2%的射击中,令人难忘地拍摄在最后一个季度的盛会持有勇士队和妇女的人,也是在最后一个季度的18分。我真的不明白为什么其他教练不遵循这种战略对抗战士。包装区域并强迫战士击败你外面。不要让他们渗透并给他们长途跳线,他们真的不会以高速击中。如果他们从外面击中它,就会有一段时间给勇士们,他们会回到地球上。在冒犯中照顾岩石,无论你不让他们渗透。(我希望其他球队没有读过这一点。)

Also Coach McMillan and the Sonics (HAHAHA should have been blazers) deserve a ton of credit for absolutely shutting down the pick and roll between Baron Davis or Stephen Jackson and Andris Biedrins. This is a very well coached team and they knew exactly how to render Biedrins ineffective on offense. You can tell they did their homework and watched plenty of game film."

Here's what brandon Roy had to say in OL: &am p; thispage = 2



Aldridge has only played 84 games.


What's changed on the court is that players are executing. They're executing VERY well on the defensive end because Nate is defensive minded and when you look at shooting percentages of teams, we're literally shutting them down. I begin to wonder if maybe the blazers deserve MORE credit against the Dallas team, than we gave them.

We have a young coach and we have one of the best coaches in the league. He's been coaching THIS team for 22 games and he's doing a great job. We played one of the most difficult schedules and we were understandably smacked around. Nate's players are growing at a nice rate, but they're young and they'll make mistakes and we'll be on a losing streak again.

Average projected wins were at about 34 based on what everyone in the blog community has been stating. At the beginning of the year. 10-12 over 82 games comes out to about 37 wins.

My point?




Nate and KP, you guys are doing an excellent job. I'm glad you don't have knee jerk reactions but are able to take the longer view. The majority of us, the fans, definitely appreciate that.