


我需要更多关于321区(我相信)那群精力旺盛的年轻人的信息,他们在每场主场比赛中都大喊大叫,有时甚至盖过了私人助理的蹩脚啦啦队。他们在321的最后面占据了2或3排,并且正在成为相当于木材军的开拓者。我的问题是,为什么组织不能把这些孩子带到前面去?或者为什么他们不坐在开拓者狂人的旗帜下?在那个旗帜下没有疯子;都在321号房!最棒的部分是和这群人一起走出大楼,尤其是在楼梯间。当他们高呼“开拓者之国”或“我们连赢9场”时,这种快乐是真正具有传染性的。让我们给这个团体一些认可吧!让他们分享他们的秘密身份。 College friends? A secret society of Blazer believers? The Timbers Army finding off-season expression for their PDX sports devotion? I've got to know. By they way, they sit approximately below the "Coach's Corner" banner, but I highly doubt this is Nate's group of give-away tickets. Either way, why aren't we hearing more about them? Their cheers are audible throughout the arena and their number seems to be growing.