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好的......这是谎言。我不会让你看看森林狼。考虑到你今晚必须在两小时内观看它们,这将是残忍和不寻常的惩罚。说真的,他们很糟糕。燃烧者在过去几年里一直在的一切,`狼现在都是。他们无法捍卫。更糟糕的是,他们不能得分。他们无法射击罚球。他们转过球。他们不会强迫失误。 They give up a horrific 8 more free throw attempts per game than they shoot. If it weren't for Al Jefferson they'd be the worst rebounding team in the league. They're disjointed and disappointing. This is really sad to me. I was in Minnesota in the very beginning of the Garnett-Marbury era. If you recall the Timberwolves had been the worst team in the league for a decade...from their expansion year onward. The locals got so excited when KG came to town and they were speculating he and Stephon would be a dominant duo forever. They were talking championships. Of course that was premature, but it was still nice to see them have something to cheer about. To look now and see the opportunity thrown away and to see them at 4-23, hearkening back to the days when they couldn't win to save their lives...it's just discouraging. I'm not saying I like the team that much even, just that I have empathy, especially given how hard our franchise fell.

现在,“狼太阳能系统”的大亮点是杰斐逊,均平均20分,12个篮板球比赛。他在进攻端的合法,但它仍然感觉毫无结果。当你19场比赛后,只有27场比赛后500比赛。Sebastian Telfair也偶尔地浪潮,但这更像是“这个团队的需求某物为了为“而不是任何真正的承诺而言。antoine walker正在举行一个糟糕的季节。每个人都在体面的水平上玩耍。这里没有足够的人才来实现差异。主导得分前进......严重评分问题......弱防御...可怕的记录......看看我对闪回的原因是什么?




