FanPost's Blazers coverage needs improvement

Here are some of my criticisms;

1. The Blazers forum

No offense to anyone who's a regular there but man what an eyesore, I haven't even visited in a longtime (for good reason). I think you could strain your eyes looking at that long clump of text. Hey, 1992 called they want their messageboard format back. Makes me appreciate what we have here.

2. The look

I usually hate websites changing their look but ORlive should have a extreme makeover fast. It's not that look THAT bad but it could be better. I understand that ORlive is part of some specific company or such that designs websites and this is the standard look (like or well whoever is in charge (Oregonian, etc) should dump them and start over. Here are some good looking websites for reference;

Really I could understand it if it was a $ issue but does web design cost that much money?

3. The writers

I'm not bashing the Quickster at all, I think I've read his stuff as long as I can remember. But my issue is with tone. He's a great writer and recapper but he writes like he's covering city hall or Iraq. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating. I do think he's good at expressing what the fans feel in his stories but I think he's too serious. I just think sports (even for the diehards) should have some levity. I think the solution is that they should do what does with the Colts. (see above link). They should have one straight recapper and they should have a columnist with more freedom to write what he wants. Like a play-by-play and the color guy. The Colts columnist for Indy Star: Bob Kravitz is one of my favorite sports writers. He has that nice balance of insight and humor that I really love and wish someone like that would write about the Blazers.