
if we got the #2/Lamarcus potential/draft

basically a trade that ends up being Zach + #2(Durant) for Iggy and #5(Horford)
maybe we could snatch something extra out of Philly maybe not.

sounds like a bad deal talent wise, but I think I'd do it.

Rodriguez, Roy, Iguodala, Horford, Aldridge
Fernandez, Outlaw, Webster, Pryzbilla

that's a well balanced 9 man rotation that I like a lot! Very versatile, unselfish, young, good defense, athletic, good on fast break, good in half court, loads of potential, small egos all around.

I think it makes sense for Philly too:
Miller, Korver, Durant, Randolph, Dalembert
is better than
Miller, Korver, Iguodala, Horford, Dalembert

I'd really like to find a way to grab Horford. If he did well that would give us a way to get Randolph out of here and not be hurting too bad. Randolph is doing very well, I just think it would be better for the long term makeup of the team because he has the potential to add much more muscle, toughness, defense, shot-blocking, and running the break than Randolph while maintaining the rebounding. However, we would lose out a lot on the offensive production department but I think it's worth it for increased balance (if he were to pan out). We could be a great fast break team with
Sergio, Roy, Outlaw, Jones, Horford, and Aldridge.

Do you think Aldridge in a year will appear on the way to being a big force? What is his potential at? I don't know anything of Bosh on defense, but I would hope for Aldridge to become like him on offense? Does he have the potential/drive? He doesn't seem to aggressive, but was Bosh in his first year? Is Bosh good defensively because I think Aldridge could be great defensively from what I've seen so far.

I'd also love if we got a mid-first rounder to grab Rudy Fernandez, I doubt he'd contribute much first season but he'd have the potential to be a Ginobli type player, much smaller, but a very good passer, shooter, and moves great without the ball. A good combo guard off the bench who plays well with Sergio.

The players I really wouldn't want in the draft (though many like) are:

Noah-arrogant yuppie***, [ed. note: BAD] hair, good at defense when swatting bad college guards, primitive offense, he's just aggressive, won't get him far in the NBA. I just don't see anything more than Varejoe, and I hate his personality.

Hawes-fairly slow, not a good defender (labeled decent in college = crap in NBA), gets out-quicked in college, good passer, slows down the game too much

The way I see it these positions (if i had my way) are locked up for the blazers:
PG罗德里格斯,SG罗伊,C奥尔德里奇(他可以PFbut I think there's more good players we could grab to play PF than C)

My worst nightmare for future direction of team:
Jack, Roy, Miles, Randolph, Hawes (boring, slow, no-defense)

A dream offseason for me would be to luck out and get the #2 pick (after being screwed last year, and Zach and it to the 76ers for their pick (lets say 5?) and Iguodala. Then grab Horford with the pick, and deal Jack to grab Fernandez.

In a couple years we could laugh while Zach got into trouble, Durant "carmelloized" (there was rumors he was selfish and had kind of a bad attitude before, and how much bad did you hear of carmello before?) and we had a team full of well rounded, smart, good attitude players, who hustle, play defense, pass, and dunk!
