
OT: Beat Canzano over head with YOUR brackets

Alright... we knew we were going to be doing our brackets somewhere. Now we know where. You get the additional satisfaction of beating Canzano over the head with your brackets.

"Welcome to the third-annual Canzano Blog NCAA Tournament challenge.

The link:

Our Group password is: evolve

The Rules:

--- Don't talk about fight club.

--- Only one entry per person. No entries under your children's names, your dog's names, fake names (Ron Mexico, this means you), etc. If you're caught violating this rule, you're out. If you're not caught, you have to live with the knowledge that you cheated and still lost. Be honest, geez.

--- Winner will receive a prize from the Final Four in Atlanta that I will secure and bring back to you. Two years ago, I brought the winner a piece of the St. Louis Arch. Last year, I brought the winner Joakim Noah's hair scrunchy. You just never know, do you? A prize is a prize."