

This is one of my favorite times of the season because there is so much going on. Tourney time, playoff positioning, and scouting. Thus the inevitable what if scenarios start flowing. Much as I try to bit my tounge and sit on my hands, I can't help the exuberance I get when it's time to start vicariously building a championship team. On that note here is my Question.

If Memphis gets the #1 pick, what would it take to pry that away from them?

Things to keep in mind:

  • They only have one draft pick (#1), the Sonics have their 2nd rounder.
  • Pau Gasol is on the block
  • Their GM is retiring
  • The team is for sale (Could Paul buy the team and sell the pick to the Blazers for $1?..I wish.)
  • Rudy Gay is a stud
  • Feel free to suggest things like getting the Suns #7 pick for Sergio and our #46th overall pick (Just keep in mind that both sides are trying to get better). Then trading that #7 and our #8 to Memphis for their #1 and a top 10 protected 1st rounder in 2008.
  • Suns get better becasue they'll have a true successor to Nash.
  • Memphis gets two high lottery picks rather than one.
  • Portland gets Oden and still has a couple 2nd round picks to try and land a solid SF prospect.
  • I know that's a bit far-fetched and we'd be paying a lot, but that's what I think it would cost us to get that pick. Would the #2 pick cost less?...Maybe a little, but still steep.