
Laying the smack down on Canzano and Furness

Couv Operator blogger Chris Snethen (who I'm proud to report was a high school classmate of mine at good ol' OCHS, if I may engage in such flagrant namedropping), totally lays the smack down on John Canzano, and the now-deservedly-canned Ian Furness.

基本上,他提醒我们所有的真诚的男人-love which both gabbing heads felt towards one Adam Morrison, prior to the NBA draft last year. You all remember the "draft the 'stache" parties, right?

While Furness is now toiling in obscurity--and thus is not available for comment on the off chance that anybody cared--Canzano is still around. And he's been singing the praises of the gents we DID draft, in complete and blissful amnesia of his prior recommendation that the Blazers draft the dude from Gonzaga.

I'm expecting a column any day from Canzano on how the Blazers screwed up by signing Prz to a big contract. (Remember, last year he wrote that it would be a horrible mistake and a blight on the franchise were Prz to sign with another team). I'm not dumping on Prz here--can't fault a guy for being hurt, and his contract isn't Darius Miles-outrageous--but Canzano has an amazing ability to forget completely what he's written in the past.

Which is inconvenient when it's all archived on the internet, for everyone to read.