

I have heard most of the analysis of the actual game and Its really funny how different you see the game when your right there on the court. I just wanted to let you guy know all the little juicy tidbits I noticed.

  1. 贾马尔·马洛伊(Jamaal Magloire)已经在度假。他从未听过教练的一句话。他告诉蒙蒂·威廉姆斯(Monty Williams),第二节开始时他要去洗手间,没有回来10分钟。

  2. 扎克(Zach)可能在他的投篮命中率上挣扎,但他在那里努力奋斗。昨晚拉马库斯(Lamarcus)出色,但有一个原因他有10个进攻篮板。这是因为他们每次扎克开枪时都离开了他。Zachs镜头在轮辋周围滚动,以轻松折磨。扎克(Zach)确实有很多失误,但其中许多确实来自我们警卫队的动作,双打会来,警卫队站在三线周围,完全掩盖了。艾弗森(Iverson)也整夜射击通行车道。

  3. 内特在超时期间所说的一切都是完全明显的。在第一次蒂莫特(Timoute)中,我听到他说:“不要安定下来,不要安定下来,我们在四连杆上有四个跳投”
Now these things were all true and I would have probably said the same thing, but I was hoping for some great insight into the game from a basketball legend.

I watched Martell come out from halftime and take six warmup jumpers from about 18 feet.............he missed ALL of them.

  1. 我现在了解为什么IME不是长期解决方案。我喜欢他,我真的很喜欢,但是他只是不够大还是运动能力,无法扮演NBA 3的姿势。他是一个厚实的人,像指甲一样坚韧,但是在与Melo的Long Athletic 3打交道时,他看起来像磨砂膏。我想说他会在替补席上是一个伟大的第11或第十二人,但是开始吗?哎哟。如果他在下个赛季开始第一场比赛,那么有些错误。

  2. 贾瑞特·杰克(Jarrett Jack)绝对被艾伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson)扮演。没有多少人可以留在AI。但是杰克真的很想这样,艾伦会吹他,只是放慢了一下,享受了他的专利“和1,用右手从玻璃躺下来”。杰克真的尝试了,但是当他没有表演或内特将他带出时,他就会沮丧。
一个超时后杰克琼斯房地美来and tried to coach him on how to deal with allen Iverson. Jack is the anti fast break. The only fast break points I remember were scored by Jack when Roy took the ball up court. Nate is not giving Sergio chance. Nate does not like freewheeling. My guess is that he'd probably have a coronary having a Steve Nash at the helm. Nash is the man but you have to deal with the overdribbling and 3-5 turnovers a game.

7. Nate看起来很紧张。他令人生畏和激烈。每次他将一名玩家从比赛中取出时,他们都会望着他的眼睛走在他身边,也不会交换单词。唯一会对他说些什么的人是杂志,我对此没有很好的感觉。

  1. Most Blazer media has been saying that this team is tight in the locker room and has great camaraderie. If you compared the two teams it was night and day. The Nuggets were having a great time warming up, joking with each other, making up games in the warmup. The Blazer players hardly talked to each other. No joking, no energy, no nothin.....exept for Zach talking nonstop.

  2. 拉马库斯对这支球队很棒。他的舞台上有这样的春天。在正确的时间,他在正确的位置做得很棒。他得分,24分,而不是其中一分是一个长的跳投。他一定有16个仅次于推杆和进攻篮板。他在篮子下面的倾倒在6-8上。他不需要任何套装。但是...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................他似乎是一个非常好的人后卫,但是一旦他离开他的男人,他就是另一支球队的上篮城。他的狡猾没有在防守端发光。 He got 4 blocks which is great, but he also was responsible for many Nuggets points. He needs help being a great help defender.

  3. 这个团队中的家伙信任扎克和罗伊。很明显,他们是团队的领导者。我认为他们应该是明年的联合队长。
