
HoopsWorld article on LaMarcus


300-word topic question for today: If you could make up to FIVE rule changes to the NBA game, what would they be? They have to be fair--rules such as "any team called the Lakers shall be docked 50 points", while admirable in intent, don't count.

My top 5:

  • Allow a bit more handchecking on the permiter. There has to be SOME medium between NY-Knick style "thugball" of a decade ago, and the "if you breathe on Dwyane Wade it's a foul" nonsense of today.
  • 消除defensive-three规则——或任何restrictions on defensive alignment. If a team wants to have a Marcus Camby camping in the lane on D, so be it.
  • Get rid of the no-charging circle. By the same token, make it harder to draw a charge--the defender must have clearly established position prior to the offensive player making his move; none of this "getting one's feet set while the other guys is in the air and getting the charge" nonsense.
  • Bring back the one-and-one and the double bonus like the college game. If it's a non-shooting foul and the team is in the penalty, you got to make the first FT to get the second.
  • Eliminate "touch fouls" on shot attempts--the sort where a guy grazes a jump-shooter's elbow and gets whistled. Grabbing or pushing the shooter's arms (other than the hands which are part of the ball) should remain a foul.
  • Something tells me the rule changes will be discussed more than the Aldridge article.