

We were in section 319 which is pretty close to center court. But we got to see absolutely nothing to get us excited. This was not the same team that took the Lakers to OT. When LaMarcus missed his first attempt I turned to g-son and said, "this is not going to be a good night for him." Turned out not to be a good night for anyone except maybe Jamaal. But I didn't even realize he had a double double until they announced it after the game. I was glad to see Dan D come in because neither JJ nor Sergio could get anything going. He is always ready to play.

比赛结束后,内特说控球后卫是最重要的位置,他对今晚的PGS显然感到失望。他说,他昨天与JJ谈了对他的期望... JJ本人在比赛结束后听起来很沮丧,以至于他几乎无法宣判。特拉维斯(Travis)表现出好与坏的闪光。但是我受到鼓舞。马丁内尔(Martell)并非如此 - 我看到谁在赛车,但我毫无目的。


的国民自卫军全国Anthe唱歌m was on the Blazer bench for the first half. Unless he changed his dress uni for camoflage gear it was someone else for the second half. When Mike & Mike finished their gametime introduction and were going back to their broadcast positions Mike B. stopped to shake the hands of two servicemen sitting nearby. I thought that was cool. No Paul Allen and I assume KP was at a NCAA game somewhere. (Go Ducks!!)

Rip City Gal的特殊之处... Sergio上的一个愚蠢的功能包括一个事实,即在他喜欢鲸鱼的业余时间...因此,您最好在逆戟鲸,灰色和驼背上刷一下。这可能会导致一场好(浪漫的?)沿海周末鲸鱼观看。

在我们的部分中,这很嘈杂,因为我们身后有一群小女孩。并尖叫。刺耳的尖叫只有小女孩才能发出。我从来没有想过他们的年龄。他们听起来很七,但可能是13 :-)我坐在一个大约十Y.O的女孩旁边。谁从来没有发出声音,当我做的时候稍微看着我。

没有人问我的Blazersedge衬衫 - 但也许有人看到了它,并因此而访问。西装外套衬衫比我以前看到的要多,但这可能是因为外套覆盖了。内特看起来像往常一样好,我注意到莫里斯看上去也很漂亮。



我当然不会选择合适的比赛(当我选择时 - 当我的女儿提供门票时,我看到了几个好游戏。)我想我们在三月和四月份还有一对夫妇 - 再次包括Sonics。EEEEK。