
PG draft chatter ...

Two great diaries on the site today prompted me to write the following (so make sure you go read Scotty's thread on JJ's defense and TP43's thread about not feeling the warm fuzzies with the team right now):

I just gotta ask, do we currently have the PG of the future on the team?

Clearly Sergio is gifted, yet his skills don't jive with our other starters at the moment. Sergio needs the ball to be his dazzling self, which takes the ball out of Zach's and Roy's hands. It's obviously a huge possibility that Zach gets traded at some point in the future, but how can it be good that Roy and Sergio don't compliment each other well? Also, can Sergio learn to play defense? If not, he may as well start packing ...

As for JJ, I really like him as a player, but I also echo the sentiments of the two posts I mentioned above and responses therein: Lately he hasn't struck me as a starting PG for a great team. He's simply too shaky night in and night out. I know he's still young, but he's certainly not getting any quicker, and neither do I see him turning into an out and out killer in the next few years.

Which brings me to my real question: Is there any way KP pulls some magic out of his hat again this year to end up with a second high first rounder, and if so, are we looking at Acie Law? For instance, if Atlanta ends up between 8 and 10, their pick goes to Phoenix. Is there any way Phoenix trades their first rounder straight up for Sergio (there are obvious cap measures preventing this, but play along in theory ...)?

But even if we don't end up with a second first-round pick, is Law still a possibility? All the chatter around here has certainly been for a big man or a SF, but Law seems like the type of player that could fit perfectly alongside Roy and Randolph. He doesn't need to dominate the ball to be effective. And the dude has ice in his veins plain and simple.

If (and it's a big if) KP has been thinking at least some of what has been said here all year about our PGs, then I think we all need to at least prepare ourselves for the possibility that there might once again be a completely new starting PG in a Blazer uniform next year ...