
Updated PPC (Pretend Playoff Contender) standings!

Yeah, yeah, I know--why bother?
I'll explain in a sec--first, the standings, where the format is as follows:
Team Name (games out of EIGHTH place) [winning/losing streak]

L[xxx]rs ( +3 1/2 ) [ won 2 ]
Nougats ( +3 ) [ won 4 ]
Worriers ( -- ) [ won 3 ]
Paper Clips ( -1 ) [ lost 1 ]
Nookies ( -1 1/2 ) [ won 1 ]
Sac o' Mentos ( -2 1/2 ) [ lost 1 ]
Timberpuppies ( -2 1/2 ) [ lost 2 ]
Seattle ( -5 ) [ won 1 ]
Portland Trail Blazers ( -5 ) [ lost 4 ]

Okay. Two things:

1) Last time I looked at this, before the LaLa game,
just about everyone was riding a losing streak.
Since then, the Blazers are the only team to not win at least one game.
Except for Portland, the pack has changed from a bunch of losers
to a mediocre, .500-level, win-some-lose-some bunch.

2) I'm just about ready to cut the L[xxx]rs and Nougats out of PPC status
and into the APC (Actual Playoff Contender) realm (where LaLa had just fallen from).
Remember, I think "playoff contender" implies just good enough to BELONG
in the playoffs, NOT good enough to do some damage once there.
To me, PPCs have always been teams that may be within range of a playoff spot,
and may actually get one, but really aren't good enough to be there in the first place.
Just because the #8 team gets in doesn't mean they belong there;
it just means they beat out some other teams as bad as them--other PPCs.
L[xxx]rs and Nougats are showing signs of belonging in the playoffs
(如果不是应得的胜利,甚至是competitive in, a series).

Similarly, I'm just about ready to cut the Blazers and Sonics out of these standings.

So take a good look: 5 teams within 2-1/2 games fighting for one playoff spot,
two teams at least 3 ahead of the pack, and two teams 2-1/2 games below the bottom.
Seems like separation to me--unless the L[xxx]rs or Nougats start losing,
or unless the Blazers (or even Sonics) start winning,
the next PPC standings update is gonna be a five-team list--no Blazers!
