
Serious Complaint

Okay, I want to gripe a little bit.. but I feel it's rightfully so.. so here I go..

Remember the big win over the Warriors? Sunday the 11th, we won 106-87. Remember all the dunks? There was the nice fred jones oop, outlaw had a nice dunk, zbo even got in on the action. Oh you might even remember Stephen Jackson getting ejected. Well that day was all the NCAA conference championships, so ESPN NEWS was basically 60 minutes long. I started watching at 11 (i usually have it on while I'm on the laptop, and listen to it) Well I was waiting for the Blazers highlights.. 11:20? nope not yet.. 11:45? still waiting!! Oh look 11:59.. hmm maybe they won't show them.. no wait here they come. Bteween the 11:59 and 12:00 mark, ESPNNEWS finally played Portlands dominating win over the Warriors.. guess what plays they showed? 3 pointers? Naw.. Dunks? Nope.. Passes? Nope.. they showed Stephen Jackson falling on his stupid butt, tossing a ball, and getting ejected. Then what did they show? Their little graphic with the score.. 193 points scored, and we don't see 1 play.. wow are you joking me? Well now that I hate ESPN news, I don't like to watch them now. Their a joke.

Fast forward to March 20. Another sad day. I'm watching NBA TV.. the top 10 plays.. obviously freddie jones sick oop is going to be on here.. maybe even martell's nice game changing drive? Hmm.. 10....9...8...7? What's this the blazers and wizards.. is it freddie? martell? b-roy? Nope.. it's Gilbert Arenas (i'm pretty sure he sucked tonight) oh he's not doing anything, he simply passes to haywood for a dunk.. hmm.. that was exciting (not really) even the announcer seemed kind of surprised.. well clearly if gilbert "im a fricken idiot and portland is my daddy" arenas made it, then Freddies a lock. 6.....5...4...3...2.. oh he must of been #1... nope it's lebron james (david sterns personal (***) wow.. portland beats washington, fred jones has the tightest alley oop dunk of the season.. and couldn't even crack the top 10 on NBA tv..

Well I might as well cancel the cable package cause channels 321 (espn news) and 318 (nba tv) may not be watched again.