
tuesday night's game

So since I'm home from school for spring break I went to the game last night. It was a fun game to watch and a good win for portland.

A few of the things I noticed:

In the first half Jack refused to shoot the ball. Now, I thought to myself, maybe he is just trying to fill his role of keeping portland in an offense and moving the ball, BUT, when Outlaw came in he forced up a shot the first 3 possessions down the court. Later in the game when Outlaw came in he did the same thing. The ball would be moving baseline to baseline then travis would pop up to the high-post get the ball and shoot it with a guy right in his face. I know travis has a high release but it just seemed like he was really forcing it. Now, I like travis better when he's slashing to the hoop or posting up in the low post. I don't know if Jack thinks he shouldn't be taking those shots or if Nate has advised against him taking the shots but it seems like he would be a better candidate to take the one step inside the three point line jumpers over outlaw

Another thing I noticed is that no blazer hits the offensive glass unless Aldridge is in the game. I could not figure this out. If Aldridge wasn't in the game, every blazer would fall back on D. If he was in the game he was fighting for the rebound and the other guys were there too.

It was also a lot of fun to hear the fans Boo arenas every time he touched the ball.

Lastly, Why didn't sergio's pass to Freddie for the alley-oop reverse two hand slam make sportcenter's top ten plays?!?!