

As in for your passionate fandom. Who is your favorite team when Portland isn't playing/isn't alive in the playoffs (or both for the last few years)?

Personally, I've always liked San Antonio, and I love Duncan, the true "Big Fundamental." I used to have a soft spot for Houston, Clyde's second and yet first home, but those jerseys were unforgivable. I still think David Stern was behind the Jazz going to the finals in '97. "But sir, The Glide, the Dream, and Sir Charles vs. the Air dynasty... It's a can't miss!" "I have seen the future of the league, and it has more fashion sense than that, though baggier pants. The fix is in. I have spoken."

To this day, Houston retro jerseys are made and sold illegally by a color-blind band of resisters, as a way to thumb their noses at the comissioner's fashion sense and power.

So who do you guys fall back on when you can't get your red, white, and black on?