
Randolph to be benched Sunday

This is pretty big and Quick was so casual about it. I think there's going to be plenty of fallout from this. Randolph thinks he is the franchise player I don't think he will accept coming off the bench no matter how hot the team is right now. I don't think this makes him particularly selfish, it's pretty much what any NBA star would do.

This is a shot in the dark but I think Randolph might ask for a trade in the near future. He was pretty mad about being suspended for flipping off a fan way back. That combined with the benching might be too much disrespect in Zach's eyes and it might be enough for him to ask for a trade.

There would be lots of pros and cons if this happened. The pro would be that it would spare management the decision on whether to trade him or not. The con would be that similar to the AI situation in Philly this would give other teams the advantage because they know we have to move Randolph.

Personally I think trading Randloph for a bunch of contracts that expire after one year would be a decent trade. Preferably a trade where we get a low first round draft choice and expiring contracts would be best. The good news is that Randolph's trade value hasn't gone down since the midseason trade deadline. His production is pretty consistent as the first half and he hasn't gotten into any off-the court incidents.