
I find it interesting

That The Heat are winning consistently without D-Wade but there seems to be no discussion on whether the Heat are better without him. Here, we win three scrapping games against some of the worst D in the league and we have multiple conversations about how the Blazers are better without Randolph.
Im not saying that Zach is anywhere near D-Wade's league but he is the center of our offense, just like Dwyane.
Is it Shaq? well the guy has been averaging about 14 pts and 5 reb. a game since Wade has been out. That doesnt sound like franchise to me?

Why is Zach under the bus? Hasnt LaMarcus thrived playing WITH him? If you look at all the offensive rebounds that LaMarcus is getting you can usually trace those down to LaMarcus's man leaving him on a double, not boxing out.

what do you think?