
Juan Dixon at Toronto

right now, juan is making the coach of toronto happy by saying that he has the best defense[!]. What? did i hear that right? JUAN..DIXON...a great defender? somehow, my selective hearing makes me somewhat confused...juan did little defense here, unless im mistaken.


here's quotes:

Juan Dixon can defend and make shots and he can start or come off the bench, but it's his personality as much as anything that's allowed him to fit in with the Raptors so well so fast.

"If was an ass----, he wouldn't be here," coach Sam Mitchell said today. [AKA, players from Packers (indiana pacers) or players from Warriors like stephen jackson]

Dixon will get to show how good a teammate he is tonight against Denver when he makes a rare start for the injured Anthony Parker.

movie i like: 2001: A space odyssey and 2010: the year we make contact. One of my favorie movies to watch at the same night because of its visuals and comical communication that happens between Hal and other people. HAL 9000 will never exist in my house. after what happened near europa, i hate robots with their own mind.