
Female fans

Earlier this month Henry Abbot had a post aboutDaughters and Dance Teams.

One of the follow-up comments stayed with me. The poster said, "The kind of girls that like to watch NBA games are the kind of girls that either don't mind, or enjoy, checking out the dancers." He followed it up with a smiley face which may, or may not, have meant he was "only kidding." It made me wonder if the Blazers Edge guys have a stereotype of female fans.

I have to say that the women I've seen at the games seem to be your everyday cross-section of women you'd see anywhere in Portland, but then I don't spend a lot of time checking out the fans - female or male. I don't know what percentage of the women are there willingly or only as their part of a compromise ; I would guess a large percentage are there because they want to be - and not to watch the dancers.

I'd like you to consider the female fans you've encounted in your fandom - do they fit into a stereotype? Or do you even consider them real fans? Do you have to be male and have played the game to be atruefan? But maybe that's a question for another day - what IS a true fan...

Don't hold back - describe your stereotypical female Blazer fan.