
suggestion box

In no way, i do not intend to offend ANYONE, nor the blogger, dave, nor the spoken name i would mention here...i wish not to offend anyone...if your offended (i doubt that anyone would be offended anyways), sorry.

I have been thinking a lot about the future of the and what it should be in the future. Right now, i love the BEdge for what it is now, very classical, less cluttered than GSoM, less flashy, very smart blogger, very smart community and what it follows. But i feel like it can be better. just a little bit better to attract more eyes to this page instead of GSoM.
I have been browsing around only the GSoM and not the other SBnation sites due to the popularity of the GSoM. they use a lottttt of pictures, on the column, on the recaps, the previews, and the such. and its too cluttered, if you ask me.

Two things i want to spit out of my mind right now. One, GSoM has four(4) people running GSoM 24/7. Two, BEdge has One(1) person running BEdge. I would suggest that Dave should find someone to help him out on the Predition Playoffs, such as, probably (insert alias here) to run the NIT and Dave running the actual Playoffs. i mean, dave can run the big stuff, but there should be some people running the small stuff that they can do by themselves.*ahem* let me tell a true story...

i started my current job on sept 7th 2006. for the first month, my only co-worker taught me how to assemble water pumps for production. He taught me a lot of things in the one-month period. within two months, i can assemble pumps faster than i did in a month ago. While that, my co-worker did the harder stuff, returned pumps that needed repairs. i did the daily stuff, assembling one pump after another, everyday, while my co-worker did the RMA'ed pumps. i did not know how to repair pumps yet, due to the extensive data to be learnt of how pumps are run, how they fail, how they...etc..etc...etc. its been 6 months so far, and my co-worker is now starting to teach me how to repair pumps so i might be able to take over his job, if he becomes sick for a week.

在反思,我建议戴夫找到一个板块r user WITHIN the BEdge, so there is some experience on how the BEdge is run, in dave's way. I like Quality Pie for his knack of humor, using the oldies as jokes, and slangs always crack me up, a perfect person to patrol the diaries and post up the predition NIT's on the main page. EngineerScotty would be a great person to type something down to start a discussion, or links that he finds on the www.

OH! another reason i like QP is his use of PPC's and lottery standings...always very demonistrative.

Plus, those are the things that can come off the Diaries and placed on the Main page because that's how we roll.

BlazerNation can be our Sig creator, make one sig per week, as eye candy for the BEdge. And everyone can create a sig and place it on the weekly sig post created by Blazernation.

Literally, this is a suggestion box. lots of ideas is the trend of BEdge!


Update [2007-3-28 16:12:59 by XarXar]:Dave, what is your direction for BEdge? do you want it more like GSoM or more to BEdge's own brand of blogging? do you want people working alongside with you or not? details please...