
Ya had to do it? Didn't you? You had to submit "The Sheriff" idea to

Jason - Los Angeles, Cal.: We, in the forum, want you to start calling LaMarcus Aldridge "The Sheriff." Here are some reasons listed:
  1. He's from Texas, and everyone knows the most famous sheriffs are from Texas.
  2. It would be awesome to have an Outlaw and Sheriff on the same team.
  3. His position coach and mentor, Maurice Lucas, is called "The Enforcer." It makes sense that an Enforcer would train a Sheriff. Their jobs are practically the same...only the enforcer is slightly more illegal, like a Mafia hitman or something. But whatever, they both kick some tail.
  4. A sheriff patrols his area and doesn't let any unsavory individuals in it...yes, I'm talking to you Odom.
  5. If someone drives too fast, the sheriff will give him a ticket...OR SWAT HIS SHOT.
  6. A sheriff will discourage any potential Jail Blazers from joining the team.
So, as you can see, there are several GREAT reasons to start calling LaMarcus "The Sheriff." Come on John...we need your support to get it started.

RR: It's not bad. Not bad at all. Worthy of publishing and if we get the itch, the Report might use it in the next few weeks. We'll see if anyone else picks up on it.


Why, oh, why?!
