
Potential Draft Picks

Maybe this topic has already been posted ad nauseum. Sorry if it has. I just wanted to offer my observations and get your take on potential draft picks. Admittedly, I havn't seen many of the guys much, but from what I've seen these are my opinions not necessarily in any order:

  1. Oden - his athleticism at his height is world class. Havn't seen a guy move and jump like that with his length since...??? I don't even know. His game is limited offensively right now. If he developed a nice little 15 foot jumper he would be scary. His low post footwork is improving, but still has a ways to go. I like that he takes it up strong and tries to dunk the ball when he's near the hoop. That jump hook is about as ugly as it gets, but it seems to go in for him. His free-throw shooting is not bad for a guy his size. On the defensive end, he already dominates. He needs to learn to stay away from silly fouls, and bigger bulkier centers may give him problems. However, with a little seasoning and muscle he will overcome those issues. As it is, the guy completely changes the complexion of the game on the defensive side of the ball. Overall, I don't know how you could pass on this guy. Once he puts it all together, and if he stays healthy, he will be a game changer for a long time to come. Ammendment after the championship game...YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE CRAZY NOT TO TAKE HIM #1. After he gets some NBA conditioning, he won't break down in the second half of games like he did against Florida.
  2. Durant - like his length, athleticism and jumper. He can get his shot off whenever he wants due to his length. What's more is he isn't afraid to get in the mix and rebound or block shots. As with most guys making the jump to the NBA he needs to add some muscle. Once he does, he will be able to mix an inside game with his already potent outside game. He won't need to do a lot of dribbling in order to create angles for shots or passes, but he would be even more effective if improves his handle.
  3. Noah - does a lot of things well, and will find a place with any team he is pick up by. I don't think he will be a star, but he could be a "glue guy." He handles the ball well for his size, is a good passer, quick off his feet, and is a tenacious rebounder. In college he is much bigger than most players; however, in the NBA he will get pushed around. He needs to add some bulk or develop an outside shot...which would allow him to play on the perimeter. My guess is, he will never have much of an outside shot, due to poor shooting mechanics, but he can get bigger and bang down low.
  4. Hortford - love his size. He's already got an NBA body. Will be a good rebounder and low post defender in the league, but probably not much of a scorer. Would be great on a team that has a quick point guard who can get into the lane and dump it off to him for a dunk.
  5. Brewer - his length and athleticism make him an attractive player. On the defensive side of the ball, he has the potential to be a Stacy Augmon like player. He has a nice jumper and can finish in traffic. His lack of handle scares me though. For a permiter player, his ball handling skills leave something to be desired. He might be a turnover machine in the NBA. Need to revise this after watching championship game: Brewer has better handles than I gave him credit for. His dribble still looks akward at times, but he, at least in this game, rarely gets it picked.
  6. Green (Georgetown) - this guy has been getting a lot of attention lately. The game against Ohio State was the first time I saw him play, so my opinion is really based on only 1 game. His body is impressive. He like Hortford, already has an NBA body. What I found interesting was he seemed to play more like a "4" than the "3" he is billed as. Green is athletic and has a servicable jumpshot. Defensively he moves his feet well. The one knock I have on him, and it's a major knock, is that he disappeared for long stretches of the most important game of his career. It's not like he was a freshman. He's a junior and a leading scorer for his team. In situations like that you want to see a guy step up to the challenge, not shy away. The same was said about Gay last season. Though, Gay was younger and UConn had more options for scoring than Georgetown.
  7. Hibbert - Again, like Green, this is the only game I really watched Hibbert play. He's big and he can score close to the hoop. He also is a nice shot blocker. On the other hand, he seems a little slow. While he didn't have too much trouble with Oden, he may struggle doing much down low once he's going against veteran NBA players.
  8. Connely Jr. - love him. He's Telfair with a jumpshot...maybe more Tony Parkeresque. His quickness allows to get into the lane at will. He rarely makes a mistake, which is amazing given that he is a freshman. He's got ice in his veins, and isn't afraid to make the big plays down the stretch. Defensively he is quick, which allows him to stay in front of his man and pick up steals on and off the ball. His lack of size may hinder him against bigger guards in the NBA. Though with a zone defense, it may not be an issue. I would love this pick for Portland if we didn't have Sergio waiting in the wings. Still I'd consider it.
That's all I got for now. Would love to hear your takes. P.S. KP if you're reading this I'm available for to Paul see what he thinks.