昨晚的选秀是我很长很长一段时间以来在波特兰看到的最好的选秀。我昨天说过,我们将在2月2日得到更好的人才。比起那些已经坐在板凳上的球员。天啊,我猜对了。偷了麦克。罗伯茨,格林一个大赢家和雪城的SMF。还有伟大的费尔南德斯和芬兰的孩子。哇,但是用zbo和2个板凳球员交换c.frye*s.francis,你不觉得我们应该得个sm吗?往前走。但最重要的是,到这个夏天结束时,我们大部分甚至所有的板凳球员都会消失。对我来说,这是一件好事。g.o.是我说过我们一直需要的航空母舰。现在有了一些动作,比如除掉像韦伯斯特这样的家伙,得到一些更有经验的板凳深度。至于小前锋位置,像沃尔顿和梅森这样的球员将会在周日竞价。它们既便宜又经济。另外,如果他们决定用交易换来一个3分,那么我就会去看一些球队的麦迪。对于你们这些喜欢像韦伯斯特·杰克这样平庸的人,请克服它!!!!现在是获胜的时候了。是时候成熟起来,好好教训教训别人了。 we're marquee now,and we don't have the time or the patience to wacth little boys grow up. in jack's case get over people loving sergio more than you.be a man,get tough,and prove to k.pricthard that you're not as sensitive as you appear.and as far as webster goes,stop trying to be k.bryant and be your damn self. maybe you would start hitting jumpers instead of clanking them off the damn rim..and finally for the die*hard guys who stuck with this team through the dark days of (abbott*costello) nash*patterson tag team.to the brightest and smartest move p.allen ever made.giving the car keys to k.pricthard.this title run for the next 10 years is for you.not the bandwagon oden crowd who can't tell who s.monia is,but for the guys who did'nt hide in the closet.who're proud to be a blazers fan.and to you guys enjoy the 4-6 rings we'll win in the next 13 years.enjoy it true fans of "team glory".