

这是交易。我想我们都同意我们的冠军队伍将围绕这三个支柱建立;LMA,奥登和布罗伊。我建议你考虑一下,轮换将包括3个大个子,3个后卫和2个whippets在旧金山的分裂时间。我认为普雷斯是个好人,但不是总冠军。我想,弗莱很快就会成为两边的一员。如果JJ在内特的影响下成长,后卫罗伊和JJ就会被淘汰,这在我看来是我们所有表现不佳的年轻天才中最有可能的。而且,我觉得JJ和内特很合拍,JJ和我们的核心玩家也是。(不像其他开拓者在这里完成了一半的项目,JJ的精神很坚强,就像所有的冠军pg一样)我没有看到同一支球队和塞尔吉奥融洽的迹象。我真的认为第三后卫不需要华丽,只要打得分后卫就可以拼上我们的两个首发。 Roy can and would enjoy playing PG during JJ's rest stops. The best available candidate right now is Ime. He's knows and fits in our program. I believe he'd take a three year deal from us that was front loaded to give us Penn-space in two years and not get fat and lazy. Say $6M this year and $1M each of the next two? A smooth transition from him to Rudy over the last two years leaves us very strong in the backcourt. Sergio's defense simply seems beyond hope for a while if not forever, but placing him as fourth G makes us enviably strong and gives KP trade bait. At SF we're a mess. The minute we get it turned into a strength we're a contender. It's even more critical than Oden's professional development, I suggest. I believe that our SF is the third option on O behind LMA and Roy. If and when Oden becomes an offensive force, the SF becomes may be even a 4th option. Defense is all important at that spot. J Jones seems like a reasonably good second at the spot, but none of the SF triplets shows me enough to think that their defense will ever come. This is why KP is still burning up the phone lines, I hope. If he's thinking as I do, LMA, Oden and Frye are untouchable, JJ, Roy and Ime are almost equally so, and we can fire sale everybody else except one of the scrub SFs as a back up when he gets the D first stud to start. Or so I think today, make me smarter, my Blazer friends.