我的一个长期海滩仪式是沙塔布鲁里溃疡ilding. When I was a kid my mom used to bring my sister and me out here and we'd spend hours creating the perfect sand city. These weren't the kind of fancy, sculpted sandcastles you see in a competition, rather 30x50 foot metropolis constructions with tons of walls, buildings, roads, and of course the all-important moat system. There's nothing like knowing your city complex inside and out--including the (assumed) arrogant pride of the little sand inhabitants who felt so secure building right next to the ocean--then watching mother nature (in the form of high tide) blast through the moats and walls, wiping all but the tops of the tallest buildings clean. It's the quintessential human drama...plus it's darn nifty.
这种努力的副作用之一是,一旦您的城市到达某个临界大众,人们就开始停下来看看您在做什么。今天发生了很多。有一些孩子和妈妈,几个年长的人……通常。但是令我震惊的两人是我认为是后大学的几个人。他们有大学帽衫,看上去有点像前frat男孩。当我完成某件事时,他们走过了,当我站起来时,他们看着我的眼睛。这很奇怪,因为他们的表情非常令人难以置信和不赞成。他们有点凝视着“ Sheesh ...您能浪费时间在这样的事情上有多愚蠢?”我想他们没有得到几十个即将到来的城市的平方码的终极凉爽。
您知道,当您遇到这样的人时,您只是不知道该说些什么。就像他们不了解或同意某些东西,它必须可鄙和愚蠢。这并没有让我生气或任何事情,只是悲伤。首先,对于那些不知道去海洋和建造沙堡的快乐的人,我感到难过。但是,除此之外,我对那些确信自己超出自己的经验的人感到难过,这是有意义的,因为他们脱离了手头,最终会以新的方式看待事物(和人)。我也对那些感觉这样的人感到恼火,他们只需要对触手可及的每个人进行反对,就好像他们的意见和观点是宇宙中唯一有效的人,甚至是完美的陌生人应该向他们鞠躬。如果没有伤害任何人 - 如果是别人的看法,那么如果您不同意或不会这样做,那么我这么重要?
How this all relates to our discussion is that I meet a fair amount of those people online. The relative anonymity of online discussion emboldens people to take a "my way or the highway" approach to conversation and lessens the incentive to truly listen to one another. How often have you seen people dismiss others as idiots (or worse) simply because somebody brought up a new point of view or experiences fandom in a different way? Thank goodness there's not a ton of that here (and thanks to all of you too) but I fear in many places it's the norm...not just in sports but politics, religion, education...everywhere.
Back home tomorrow.