

我们能从中得出什么结论?我认为教练是对的。我们确实需要更好的间隔。我也觉得我们真的很想念布兰登·罗伊。我们需要他的外线防守。更重要的是,我们需要他的进攻和驾驭、得分、传球的能力,让其他人变得更好。开拓者在场上失去了那个领袖。我认为奥登项目会变得更好,尽管他今年不会拯救世界,给他一些时间。我也认为奥尔德里奇,如果健康是在重要的一年的路线。大概18或8岁左右吧。 i am curious to see what they do at 3, if its outlaw or martell, becasue i think ime is down the road for fiscal reasons. i also am curious as to how good sergio can be, and if jack is really the guy to lead the ship to the promised land. i think the draft next year can fill a need at point guard. and i think that freagency in 09 will fill the 3, if need be. but one things for sure, we need better perimeter defense, 3 point shooting, and a floor general. most of that comes with roy so don't read too much into game one. what do you think about all this?