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这是最终将是本赛季对每个西装外套球员的期望的十五件系列。昨天我们在我们对Greg Ocen的最初期望中稍微静音。今天,我们将对他的Frontcourt伴随着Mate Mate Lamarcus Aldridge来说绝对是令人愉快的。简单地说:这将是Lamarcus的一年。

有几个原因我做了观察。首先,他在整个赛季中表现出一致的改进,在心脏状况把他击倒之前结束了一个非常强大的球员。第二次报告,他向法院的职业道德,在体重室,在实践中。伟大不会在喷射中发生。它来自每天二十二十二十四岁的第十四次的燃烧。第三,在夏季联盟,他显然比去年更大,显然更加占主导地位。夏季联盟不是大伙伴,这是为了守卫。当一个大人在七月闪耀时,真实的机会更大。拉马卡库是真实的。它在他的身体和一步中显示。 Fourth the team is set up to feature him this year. Yes Brandon and the point guards will handle the ball more but Lamarcus doesn't have to hold it forever to score. People are going to be paying a ton of attention to Brandon Roy and Greg Oden at first. We're going to game plan specifically to get the ball to Lamarcus and let him work his two-way magic from 12-15 feet. (Don't forget the offense is already set up to work through the power forward anyway.) I would be very surprised if he didn't end up the leading scorer on the team at season's end and I'll be surprised if he doesn't approach 20 ppg. Mind you, I don't think this will be as prominent when we actually get good. Our hallmark will be a balanced attack. But we aren't that good yet and we're looking to get someone off the ground. That's why we're going to feature Lamarcus so much.

更重要的是我很兴奋看到the Aldridge/Oden frontcourt looks on defense. Lamarcus is not a traditional banger at power forward but with G.O. in there he doesn't have to be. He should be able to use his quickness to help shut down the lane. In fact if both he and Oden can stay between their men and the basket each one should be able to play off the other for nasty off-ball blocks. In a couple of years that frontcout is going to be紧的on defense and there's no reason that can't start now.

我有两个关于Lamarcus的一半和半令人担忧。现在浮动的人是伤害/耐用性。那些是唯一可以以主要方式推出赛季的问题。我的手指交叉,我的呼吸被举行。尽管他确实需要一年或两两个稳健发展,但他成为合法,可靠的,(也许)星级球员。如果他没有让我们的发展将相应地恢复。我的第二个问题是防守篮板。去年他并不是那么伟大的,尽管他设法在进攻端闪耀着玻璃。奥登出来可能会造成一些压力,但它们都很年轻,他们需要互相帮助。他有能力成为一个卑鄙的篮板手,但他有技术和欲望吗? My half-concern is how he's going to take to being a main option in the offense. I have no doubt that he'll be comfortable with the idea of getting a ton of touches. But how will he react when NBA reality smacks him in the face and he starts getting doubled every night? I think he'll learn that pass/shoot/bail decision-making process fairly quickly compared to many young guys, especially given the multitude of options on this team, but it's never an easy transition. I want to see him progress without getting down on himself. I don't need or want swagger from him (that's not his style) but I want him to walk out of the season with the same confidence that he walked in with.

This will be one of Lamarcus' landmark seasons. There will be plenty of other mileposts before he's through but this will be his first big test. My best guess is somewhere around 19 points, hopefully 9+ rebounds, a couple of assists, and a block or two, plus some serious consideration for team MVP.
