

下周一(8月27日)是主力们聚集在一起参加他们版本的训练营的时候。这件事最让人振奋的地方在于,在过去的10年里,这种事情是不会发生在过去的球队里的小丑暴徒身上的。两个男人在短短两年内,就能改变一家连锁店的文化,这真是太不可思议了。奥登,罗伊,奥尔德里奇,布莱克,韦伯斯特,逃犯,弗莱,琼斯,普里兹比拉,格林,麦克罗伯茨都来了。这是不是很好。最美妙的部分是球员们作为一个团队自己决定这么做。如果我是教练*通用。最重要的是,粉丝们,我现在很兴奋。它告诉我,这些年轻的孩子作为人在“职业上”是多么的成熟。你相信像席德,棒子,鲁本,骑手,特伦特,达利斯,伍兹这样的人会这么做吗。我对此深表怀疑。我听说莫两颊从没参加过运动夹克队的高尔夫比赛。它告诉你那些在黑暗时期留下来的人。我们从《艾略特3》,《史泰博》的崩溃,以及过去的征兵日失误中走了多远。我向这11位年轻人致敬。to a coach who we'll see how he handles his players.and to a g.m. who has a vision similiar to my own.good luck young men because the expectations will be very a community*state starving for a champion.a fanbase that's like no other in pro sports.a franchise that at 1 time,was voted the best in all of pro the fans enjoy this ride,because it's going to have it's peaks and valleys.there going to be some playoffs disappointments*surprises along the way.but by the end of the journey,it will come with at least 2 nba titles for all the hardwork these kids have gone through.i would say that most of these kids on this team now,will not be there when b.roy*p.allen are presented the gold trophy.enjoy it blazersfans because it's going to be fun*electricfying enjoy it fans.