

很明显,这篇博客是关于伍兹的职业生涯的后幽默的。想到这个家伙让我更加欣赏KP和它的文化(听起来像一个雷鬼乐队的名字)。我还记得在选秀那天,伍兹总是摔倒,保罗·艾伦说:“我有伍兹的时刻。”可惜他没一直从那块木板上摔下来。哪些是员工没有注意到而其他员工都注意到了的?可怕的是(除了可疑的使用大麻的历史),我认为即使在今天,他们也不会注意到它。你知道,小维克先生那时是队里最和善、最会笑、最有礼貌的人(我想大多数瘾君子都是这样的)。不管怎样,我当时的工作很糟糕。我在格纹餐具室上夜班。快进一点。 Pippen had just left the team, and there were questions as to who would step up. One Friday night (and by night I mean 2:30 AM), when my store was totally deserted, Mr. Woods walked in with two buddies. I knew it was him and had never met a player before and turned into a gushing fanboy instantly. He asked for a cigar and I carded him, mostly because I wanted to confirm he was who I thought but also, I knew he was nineteen at the most. We chatted for a bit and he was the nicest guy. He signed a piece of register paper that I still have and I asked if he was going to step up and take Pippen's spot, to which he replied "Hopefully, man, I sure hope so." I remember wanting to ask him why he was wearing a retro Drexler uni from his Rockets era (sure he won a title there, but this is freakin' Portland!). Then I go back to my lonely business of sweeping floors and entertaining the occasional crackhead when suddenly, it hit me. "Noah-you work GRAVEYARD at a PLAID PANTRY in a neighborhood in NE called CRACK ALLEY and QUINTEL and two buddies roll up in the middle of the night to get some taco bell (our plaid had a taco bell) and a SPLIFF. There are three strip clubs and three trailer parks surrounding this plaid at the time. It doesn't take long for one to piece together the sad happenings of that night. So although I was not surprised by the dogfighting, I was saddened by it. Here is the question I pose to you now: Are there any more "dirty diamonds" hidden in our sparkling championship ring of the future?