

开拓者历史上最伟大的球员是曾经的克莱德·德雷克斯勒。这一切在NBA宣布50位最伟大球员的那天结束了,他穿着休斯顿火箭队的队服,带着“谦卑的”微笑....什么……球队为他做了那么多。我们把克莱德交易给了火箭,换来了索普和一个选秀权,这个选秀权变成了伦道夫。柴尔德里斯。(已经有一段时间了,但我认为这是对的)。我们有一段时间很糟糕。他赢得了一枚戒指。他在休斯敦打了两三年,谁在乎呢。他穿着火箭夹克。这是一个职业生涯大部分时间都在波特兰打球的人,他为我们做了什么。 disappointment. failure, heartache, 2nd best. yet the blazerfan sheep still adore this guy. The organization threw him a bone in trading him to his hometown team, his hall of fame chosen team, the team and city he's more proud of than the one that stuck by him when he let us down. Well good riddance clyde. i'm glad the team never gave him a job after he retired. i'm glad he was on dancing with the stars making a fool out of himself to the millions who wouldn't have known who he was if they didn't say his name all the time. and why would they? who really cares. SO if this offensive to anyone that thinks clyde is a blazer great, take my word for it that he did wear a houston rockets uniform that day and it was on that very day that clyde drexler, blazer legend, became the benedict arnold of the blazers. and if that doesn't do it for you, then remember when magic threw the ball down the court, remember when isiah and laimbeer played smarter basketball than, remember when Jordan hit all those threes in game 1. remember the ugliest jumpshot by a 2guard ever....then Forget clyde.