

我记得那天就像十分钟前发生的一样。这是2001年9月11日一个晴朗的星期二早晨。我刚下班,正要去讨债。当我走出俱乐部的时候,两只公鸡说为什么会有人开飞机撞世贸中心。我的脑子开始翻腾,我对自己说,难道我不认识一个在双子塔工作的人吗?当我数钱的时候,另一个人说2。Nd塔被击中。然后我突然想到,我父亲在双子塔工作。一想到我父亲也在下面,我就疯狂起来。我跑了1.5英里到我妈妈家。你可以从高速公路上看到曼哈顿的天际线,而不是那天早上。在离我妈妈家两个街区的消防站,每辆消防车都跑到金融区,那里曾经矗立着高大的双子塔。本地和有线电视信号中断。谢天谢地,我在我妈家做了电视直播。接下来我看到的是灾难电影中的恐怖场景。看直播的时候2。飞机撞上了1号塔台,我坐着发呆。当我看到人们和“上帝在天堂流他们灵魂的血”跳下106层楼,走向死亡。我对自己说,谁是这场愚蠢恐怖行动的幕后黑手。nyc to this day not only has not recovered,but lost it's beautiful skyline i'm writing this post,every year i wacth the memorial service at ground "0". as for my father thank-god he was safe.but for the last 3 years of his life he never recovered physcologically.see that morning he was with his co*workers at morgan stanley dean whitter talking with his co workers for over 15 years.he went downstairs to pay some utilities bills and have a cup of joe.he looked up and saw the plane hit tower #2.he said something told him don't go back in the building.unfortunately for him,he never saw his co workers father did'nt even know that both towers went down.he sat in my mom's living room and broke down crying.just imagine 1 minute you're having a few laughs with his friends.and then 3 hrs later they're gone i write this my mom and i believe the cancer that took his life 3 years ago was from the abestos caused by the dad got 1 of the highest honors being awarded a plaque*medal for his bravery.helpimg the people escape the terror of that somber today no matter what you think about n.y.c. the people the city in itself. just say a prayer for the people who when they woke up that beautiful 83 degree morning getting ready to go to work.they never knew what hit them. my love and prayers go those people who lost loved ones.husbands who lost wives,wives who lost husbands.children who lost a mother or a father or even more tragically both.boyfriends and girlfriends who relationships tragically ended. even children losing grandparents.but you know who gets my biggest tributes,the n.y.c.f.d. the bravest men*women alive.our firemen*firewomen risked their lives on that tragic day.and to their loved ones all of us will always love and admire their the n.y.c.p.d. the finest police department on much as people hate them in nyc.they'll always have a special place in my heart.the bravery they shoed that day.we'll always keep their families and loved one's in our the rescue workers and triage workers. the hospital my brother was being treated for his kidney*heart disease had pictures of some of the people who tragically lost there really made me put my life in perspective.also to the saddest lost of all.the airlines attendants who lost their lives instantly.the pilots and passengers.who that morning had no clue that their lives would end so tragically.just thinking about it makes me the people who lost their lives at the pentagon,may they families be thought of with sympathy and prayers.but my greatest tribute is to the passengers on flight the brave women*men who made sure that flight 93 did'nt reach the white was bad enough that they took out the towers,and hit the pentagon but imagined if it hit the oval office.the families of the passengers of flight 93.our prayers and thanks as an american will always be there forever.thank-god we live in a great society like america.remember we don't go to other countries.other countries always run to the good'ole us of a for help.and what do america get for it.everyone else's criminals and overcrowding the nation.always remember people"god bless america"