

24小时前我说,g.oden出场超过4个月后,我会离开外太空1个日历年.brightersfans最差的scriod.g.oden上映时间为08-09赛季严格地讲,这不是世界末日.他下一赛季归来,而他离开时,他将学习如何得到更好的条件.日吃纸杯蛋糕并开始吃真正健康的食物,这绝对会帮助他成为路边的怪物the way i look at it is he's been redshirted and while he's gone,our young guys like martell*outlaw has to grow up as simple as that.pryzbilla must give us at least 65-70 games this season.instead of the usual 25-40.raef start earning your pay and when blake or jack see you open,drill the damn shot.nate will have to show patience,and let the young guys grow up together.like the future champions some of them will be down the road.but this next*final statement is for the fans and all the people of the city of portland.the state of oregon and blazers fans all around the world.for the guys who hung around during the jailblazers era.my heart definately go out to you guys.the day came and went and g.oden was ours.now the dream of seeing a rebirth for you guys have been delayed for 1 more year.guys just"keep your head up".所有事情都会好起来的,如果我们等待我们中的一些人一生或仅一代人等待其他人.你们都前方有美好的日子.只要坚持航向8God会照耀我们继续笑并享受新人发展为8-09决赛.k.pricthard今天显示的勇气和信心.向C.freye很好地你听到它 从我们的领头k.开始于4.Kid像Nick新手赛季, 所有其他事都自会解决.Listen这个特许会现在比任何时候都更需要你."just keep your heads up"and be very patient.the guys who've stuck around will lead you through the pain trust me.don't go crazy i told you guys 2 weeks ago.you guys jumped in the pool and are now officially drowning.hey dave throw these people a life preserver will you please.and to the great bloggers at blazersedge.i know we have not had the best of relationships.a matter of fact none at all because of points of view beyond my control.i just want to say that i will own up to my pledge and will be back on september 18,2008.and hopefully g.oden will be coming back with me.i just want to say goodbye and goodluck.enjoy the journey people everything is going to be alright.this is not a self pity good*bye far from it.i just wnat to tell the great people like jorga,damir,dc blazer,duckblazer,mr.prophet,ken, dr.dave,tp43,lyfefindsaway,p.allen'sbig$$$$$,idog 1976,samuel,knickfan,mjm6783,usmc3049,jsnake99, jumbo,hurrakane212,idog1976,lama,tominhawaii,tssboro,harry manback,mgmnoah,jamon51,ladygonegrey, jtduck22,drawingjeremy,kobestoppa,junit3123,2deep, may your loss heal your soul my friend.and when i comeback you will be at peace with yourself and find much happiness my friend.gimmeime,aloha rob, xarxar,drawingjeremy i really personally feel for you my friend.fatswansaboni,sabonis4ever,obrich kenobi,webted,22 baron,ssa400,dropstep j,earl,bfan,mortimer,matthewc,supremepuntiff,timg56,ratbastird,quality pie,devylinquist,ignacio,the lovely belectica we must hook up sometimes,mattd ,blazerbandit,toast,jpop,jaseyfield,sergio ftw, atomic dog,rebru 2,donkeyshin,hurryup 09,game sink great reporting by you gettin g the oden story,hightide,killersquid,bretski,cornrows,jason t,howlingfantods,delinqeunt crustacean,jp oregon,enigineer montogomery scott,patrick roy, trojanskier,pokeyguru,steve the hedge,t darkstar,mark twain,abdelnaby,rip city gal,and to all my guys at quick's chat i'll see you guys over there.and 2 england dan and the boys.also i would like to apologize to the people who i did'nt mentioned.these individuals blame me for laughing at g.oden's injury.i was not laughing at his injury.unfortunately i was laughing at the goofs crowd just for laugh's.i really will be back next september hopefully with my fiance by my side.and my by then taking my 4 year.old nephew to preschool.now that's a gonna be a trip.and to thank dave for having a site like this 1.for letting me conversate with some of the greatest fans in the world.nobody does it better than the crew at blazersedge.dave i know we don't see eye2eye but at least i did enjoy myself while i was here thank-you.i'll see you next week for a special reason then i'll see again 1 year from next wednsday night.and i promise you,me and g.oden will be back together.good bye*good luck.and i love everyone at blazersege good*nite everybody see yall next week.and remember "keep your heads up" bye*bye.