你们还记得杜兰特什么时候来训练的吗?有人说在机场接凯文和格雷格的两名球员之一(布兰登和拉马库斯)想要奥登,另一名想要杜兰特。奥登来了之后,队里的每个人都想要奥登。你认为这是为什么?我敢拿我的薪水打赌,拉马库斯一开始就想要一个和Longhorn一样的球员(他需要担心自己的上场时间可能落后于伦道夫和奥登)。奥登以他的表现和真实的个性赢得了全队的支持。杜兰特一出场就大出风头,让所有人都在想,在他上场的情况下,他们什么时候才能有机会出手。他是一个令人难以置信的得分手。麦迪。西雅图很激动人心,但你认为他们还需要几年的时间才能像奥登一样健康吗? People saying we should have picked Durant have no backbone because they wanted Oden before or they just don't know how a team works. Portland did the right thing. Greg will be back. Maybe next year with Derrick Rose or OJ Mayo. We still have a brighter future than Seattle. We still have to wait a few years for the playoff teams to get worried. Oden will still be the man. We just have to wait a bit longer. Oh-I'm considering keeping Trout's disembodied bobbley-head because I refuse to believe that there is a Blazer curse. I wasn't alive when Walton had problems but he still brought a title. Where is the cursae in that? And Bowie, yes it was a mistake. But from a basketball standpoint, we just drafted Drexler (who was certainly not a bust). We should have worked and got Hakeem. We all know how that pairing worked out. There would be no Bulls dynasty if we had Drexler-Olajuwan-Porter-Kersey (we would never have got Williams though) when they were young. Drexler and Olajuwan spent pre-NBA years whooping on everyone else. We got the wrong pick, but not the one everyone thinks. Oden is the right guy for Portland, and everyone who says he is the next Sam Bowie or we should have drafted Durant instead is, in my opinion (I will be nice) a troll.