

你能得到一个可以锁定首发的选秀权(尤其是在这个城市)有多罕见?我不知道为什么人们总是说要签中锋。我们去年唯一有但现在没有的是Z-bo,现在我们有钱宁。奥登还在名单上,所以我们不能签大球员。香草味的大猩猩还是太虚弱无法开始吗?也许吧。即使是在板凳上,他也会贡献他的上场时间,在防守端起到很大的帮助。也不要完全放弃Lafrentz,我敢打赌,他会回来,而且会比去年更久。在我看来,钱宁·弗莱应该锁定大前锋的位置。他在中锋位置上太讲究技巧了,没有平庸的特质。 People on other boards (remember the infamous "hold on to your shorts" thread?) have been saying LaMarcus and Channing are too similiar to coexist just like Curry and Randolph. Wrong. Watch in amazement this year as LaMarcus shows you he really is a beast with a finesse game too. LaMarcus is now going to lead the team in rebounds, probably in blocks, dunks, and other feats of beastly nastiness also. He did get bigger. He does have a chip on his shoulder. Just watch. Now the other key here is a bit of a question mark. My favorite pre-Roy player that is still a Blazer, Travis Outlaw, is going to have a huge year by my estimation. Not only do I think he will have a breakout year, I think he will challenge for the M.I.P. award. I think he is your starting Small Forward and gets moved over to the four when Martell or James Jones comes in. Don't despair people, we got the bigs to hold it down.

C-Aldridge, Pryzbilla, Frye, Lafrentz
PF- Frye, Outlaw, Aldridge
