

我知道,自从我的老开拓者的想法,我会有更多的乐趣与真正的球迷,我最喜欢的一支球队。大部分的对话和争论都很有趣。但交易就是交易。感谢所有祝福我的人感谢你们给了我活下去的理由。一年前的这个时候,我的未婚妻得了卵巢癌。她已经在康复中心住了十个月了。当我一年后的今晚回来时。我上班时向上帝祈祷。她在我的卧室里看电视。也就是说她没事了,她的记忆终于恢复了我也可以和她一起生活了。没有她,我的生活变得很空虚。我的侄子们也非常想念她。因为她的午餐,他们非常想念。至于那些站在悬崖边上的人保重,伙计们。一年后我一定会再见到你。如果你真的会想念我,我会在快速的聊天每星期四检查你当地的清单。谁知道凯西会在那里做什么。那些给我发邮件保持联系的人。哦,是的,伙计们,我们每天保持联系。还有比赛。祝所有参与的人好运。i can't wait to meet you in april out in all my haters don't worry i will be back with a chip the size of mt.hood 1 year without this chat aghhh i'll live. and to my many supporters as far as guam and europe.i love you and i'll be back in 1 year.and finally to my boys from the edge to quick's chat.damir,england dan,p.allen it's on tomorrow fellas have my back it's on tomorrow afternoon guys book it.for those who regularly go to quick's chat i'll see you tomorrow.for the guys on the edge daily see you 1 year from today later fellas.