

大量的伤病与缺乏休息时间和团队中角色的激烈竞争有关。我想知道。我年轻时是个运动员。我在一些比赛中打了一些有组织的球,在三场比赛中都打了首发,并记录了上场时间。我在运动中从未受过重伤。事实上,我和奥登一样,在那个夏天,我出了一场摩托车事故,我的手被咬伤了一点。我学会了投篮和控球,尤其是那个夏天,我的投篮命中率为70%。我的经历可能会给我个人带来一个盲点。我不太赞同有组织的运动带来的没完没了的伤害。我也从来没有当过高级水平的教练。 Please go read Dwight Jaynes and John Canzano. I'm on an iPhone with no cut and paste so if someone would link in the commend that would be cool. Then please discuss. Those two often take opposite sides. That they are saying the same thing, about a subject that is becoming dear toe, has me wondering. Thanks.