


我们大多数人都相信他不会和我们一起成为全明星,所以如果我们知道,那么特拉维斯一定也知道。我担心奥特劳不能一开始就帮助球队赢球。失去韦伯曼可能比我们想象的更严重。他已经学会了如何开始比赛,这和坐在板凳上很不一样。我所能看到的是,Outlaw将最终开始与首发4位融合,而马泰尔将再次康复。那我们怎么办呢?整个夏天我们都读到我们可能会失去Frye, Webman和Outlaw的一个,两个或三个。如果我们签下这三名球员,我们就不能签下一个自由球员。就我个人而言,我会在赛季结束前与韦伯曼续约。我们需要一个小前锋,能够投得很好,防守也很好。 Some of you might think that I am thinking too highly of Martell but so what! Ha Ha! Seriously, we need shooters and guys that are determined to play defense. Travis has not shown any determination on the defensive end. The most annoying thing is that he is the one with the body. I mean the length, you know the fact that he's 6-9 and Martell is only 6-7. Face it guys, we could struggle while the Webman is out, I hope we don't and I would never cheer against Outlaw but I just don't see him as a player that can fullfill his potential with us. We could be better off without him, with the arrival of Rudy and Bayless plus Frye, I believe that 2nd unit will be fine without him.
