

今天早上我漫步到Hoopsworld,看到Bill Ingram正在聊天。我问了他那个著名的“我们应该针对谁”的问题。请记住,这个家伙在他的新闻工作中很难摆脱他的德州根基(诚然,他是一个火箭球迷,照片中他穿着小牛的球衣和帽子)。同时要记住,在一个问题的回答中,他列出了西部季后赛的八支球队,而我们没有入选。在这八支球队之外,他还选择了森林狼作为黑马。他还指出拜纳姆会比奥登度过一个更好的夜晚。如果这段对话对你仍然有意义,以下是问题和回答:

开拓者明年的目标是谁呢?谁是可用的缺失部分? 比尔英格拉姆:
好了,最后一个问题。要运行。波特兰少了一块…嗯…他们少了一块??好吧,他们需要巩固这三个。肖恩·马里昂?????怎么样哇…好好想想。感谢大家的来访,祝大家度过愉快的一周,并享受开幕之夜!____________________________________________________________ 最初的反应吗?Blehk。经过一番思考,我意识到他一直是一个强大的防守者,我们可以给他一份不错的合同,他将会和一支伟大的球队一起进入季后赛。 The questions would be, would he be a cancer? Could he accept being option number four in the offense? What do you think? Please be more creative than "He's immature and a locker room cancer." Because we all know that, and I actually think Roy has a strong enough personality and the rest of the team has bought in. After a few weeks of one tumor being in our locker room, the rest of the guys would make him feel stupid and I think he would have an attitude adjustment. So?