
Let's Panic

Well, that was demoralizing. But, it was just a game. One game. We lost. As I texted my stupid L*ker fan friend, we can still go 81-1.

Greg's out for .... who knows. That's sad. Poor Greg. I'm not exactly worried, and I don't know why. My brain's screaming things like ... well I'm not even going to say.

We've been beat down with the whole "don't expect too much too early" jargon from all the analysts. Good call by them. The Blazers were NERVOUS. You could see the pressure on them.

Does this lift the pressure? Maybe a little?

Did you see that stuff Oden had on Bynum? Did you see Rudy come in and provide some ENERGY? Did we see Outlaw start coming back to life at the end of the game? Did we see Roy regain his shot? Did we see Bayless throw his body into K*be? Did you see Batum with the steal?

That game sucked, but I saw so much that makes me wanna see the next game. I'm not happy at all about how that went down. Still, they're playing again. There's so much to be excited about. I'm so happy to be a Blazer fan.

So.... the game hurt. Every loss does. How do you feel about it? Am I retarded (please only use this post as an example)? Are you jittery or still excited? Does anyone else think the real season begins on Friday?