


沃顿被波特兰开拓者队以状元选中,被誉为球队的救世主。(听起来熟悉吗?他的前两个赛季都受到伤病的困扰(有几次他的鼻子、脚、手腕和腿都骨折了),这两年开拓者都错过了季后赛。直到1976-77赛季,他才恢复健康,打了65场比赛,在新主教练杰克·拉姆齐的激励下,开拓者队成为了NBA的灰姑娘队。沃顿在那个赛季的场均篮板和盖帽都位居榜首,并被选入NBA全明星赛,但因伤未能参加。沃顿凭借常规赛的优异表现被提名为NBA第一防守阵容和第二阵容。在季后赛中,沃顿带领波特兰的洛杉矶湖人队在东部决赛中(著名胜过贾巴尔在系列)[6],帮助开拓者青睐的费城76人队的NBA总冠军,尽管失去了本系列的前两场比赛。沃顿被评为总决赛最有价值球员。第二年,开拓者赢下了前60场比赛中的50场,之后沃顿脚骨折,这是他第一次因脚部和脚踝受伤而缩短了职业生涯。尽管如此,他还是在那个赛季(1978年)获得了联盟最有价值球员和NBA体育新闻最有价值球员。1978年,他参加了唯一一次全明星比赛,并同时入选了NBA第一防守阵容和最佳阵容。 Walton returned to action for the playoffs but was reinjured in the second game of a series against the Seattle SuperSonics. Without Walton to lead them, Portland lost the series to Seattle in six games. As it turned out, Walton would never play for the Trail Blazers again. During the offseason, Walton demanded to be traded, citing unethical and incompetent treatment of his and other players' injuries by the Blazers' front office. He did not get his wish and sat out the 1978-79 season in protest, signing with the San Diego Clippers when he became a free agent in 1979.[7] Walton spent several seasons alternating between the court and the disabled list with his hometown San Diego Clippers. After the 1984-85 campaign, Walton called on two of the league's premier teams, the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers. After several players on the Celtics said they liked the idea of having Walton as a teammate backing up Robert Parish and Kevin McHale, Red Auerbach made the deal happen. One anecdote that particularly illustrates Walton's decision to choose the Celtics over the Lakers is about Larry Bird, who happened to be in Auerbach's office when Walton called and said that if Walton felt healthy enough to play that it was good enough for him, as opposed to Lakers GM Jerry West, who was hedging his interest in Walton pending a doctor's report. Boston acquired Walton by sending popular forward Cedric Maxwell to the Clippers along with a first-round draft pick. Providing a reliable backup to McHale and Parish, Walton received the NBA Sixth Man Award that season en route to the NBA Championship, becoming the only player to have ever won an NBA Finals MVP, Sixth Man Award, and regular season MVP. Walton injured himself again the following season, but returned for the 1987 playoffs. He spent the 1987-88 season on the injured list. He attempted a comeback in February 1990, but injury intervened and he retired from the game. His ankle problems became so severe years later that he had both his ankles surgically fused. His saga of injury and failed rehabs was connected to the use of pain killers by the doctor who was assigned to his case.[citation needed] Walton has said repeatedly in his broadcasts that he is just as much to blame for taking the medication as the doctor was for giving it to him. Yet his experience with injuries and the circumstances surrounding them have come to serve as a warning for professional athletes who undergo major injury as well as being an interesting case study for medical ethics. His injuries, along with his 1978-1979 year-long protest, gave him an unpleasant, if not odd, record. Walton holds the record for the most games missed during an NBA playing career, when taking into account the number of years he was officially listed as a player on a team roster. He was inducted into the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame in 1993, and had his number 32 retired by the Blazers in 1989. In 1996, he was named as one of the NBA's 50 Greatest Players of all time.
