
10 Thoughts about a guy named Greg and a team called the Blazers.

Agree or disagree it doesn't matter these are just the thoughts that have been dancing in my mind all day.

1. Is the organization babying Oden too much?

2. I wonder if Oden prefers not to start out against some of the NBA's best (Bynum, Duncun, Shaq) for fear he might not live up to the expectations that have been put on him

3. Why would Oden be concerned or nervous about all the media hype considering he has been under a microscope ever since his softmore year?

4. Should he start over Pryz before he has proved himself or should we bring him along slowly as a back up the first month or so?

5. Is this a sign of more injuries to come?

6. Has Trout quenched all the doubts about him starting?

7. Is Bayless better then Sergio as a back up?

8. With Frye, Diogu, and Martell's contracts up at the end of the year should we try to package one of them in a trade or wait to see if we will be able to resign them for cheap?

9. Has there been any progress on the renaming of the Arena?

10. Why won't Pritchard return my calls or e-mails?