
You can only keep two...

As much as I love debating our 3rd string pg situation, I found myself pondering something different today. So, I figured I would throw it out for the community to discuss. We all know the blazers big 3 consists of Roy, Aldridge, and Oden. So imagine that you are KP and for some crazy reason, you had to choose two of those players to keep. Who would you let loose?

Option 1: Let Roy go…

Roy has been our best player in his first two seasons, but he has shaky knees and a (so far) incurable heal injury. In the nba, good big men are a rare asset and we have two of them that can’t be let go. The addition of Rudy and Roy will cover up the scoring and leadership void that letting Roy go would leave…

Option 2: Let Oden go…

Oden has appeared to be injury prone in his early basketball career and we have a pretty dang good center in Joel Pryzbilla. Oden has also been underwhelming everytime us PTB fans have seen him play for our team. Letting Oden go will open up minutes for Frye and possibly even give Steven Hill an opportunity…

Option 3: Let Aldridge go…

Aldridge has had a very nice start to his young career, but he tends to be more of a perimeter-oriented pf, which is replaceable. Frye is sort of a poor man’s Aldridge with just as sweet of a shooting touch and Outlaw also played well at the pf spot last season. They should be able to fill the scoring void that Aldridge would leave…

Now, I know everyone will want to say don't let any of them go! But that defeats the purpose. Personally, I can't make up my mind...