
Ambassador to Washington: tssbro

Does that title sound official enough?

As the BE ambassador to the Wizards' SBN site Bullets Forever, I have been laying low and reading as much as I can to get to know their team and contributors before making too many comments and it has been quite interesting. The Blazers do not meet up with the Wizards until December 3, but I thought some of you might be interested in how胡安·迪克森andAntonio Danielsare doing and what BF readers expect to get out him this season.

I also felt compelled to post because a topic was brought up that we have been discussing for a couple of years now:substitution patterns. Pradamaster, one of their "Dave & Ben", even links toDave's postabout this topic last fall. Nate could have an easier time this year with more possible successful options from the bench than in years past.

The Wizards are in a bit of a different situation than the Blazers.They are hoping to win enough games early to still be able to make a run at the playoffs when they get Arenas back.They have a mix of veteran stars, Caron Butler and Antawn Jamison, and young hopefuls, Andray Blatche and Nick Young and JaVale McGee, and some role player types that they hope will gel enough to keep them close. But their hopes for a sucessful season are tied directly to Arenas' return and I imagine if they have a slow start, their readers will start calling for a lot more playing time for the youth on the team and thus a better shot at a good draft pick next year. A couple have already expressed this opinion.

I will keep you guys posted if anything Blazer related pops up.

UPDATE: I just posted first fanpost as "ambassador" over at Bullets Forever. Not that exciting; but if you want to say "Hi" to Wizards fans on behalf of the BE, here is thelink.