早在20世纪90年代初,特里·波特把他的新奔驰车开到我父亲的汽车修理店,这家店叫“新维度车身与油漆”。他想把车身的线条和保险杠刷上油漆,以匹配车身的其他部分(大约需要1800美元)。特里是我的一个叫埃迪的熟人介绍给我的,他是一个汽车推销员。据波特说,买那辆新奔驰车的部分费用是让埃迪为特里的车刷漆,但埃迪从来没有告诉过我爸爸这件事……波特说我爸爸(姓苏Hin)应该让艾迪付钱,他给我爸爸上了保险,如果艾迪不付钱,他就会回来付钱。我父亲打电话给艾迪,艾迪说让波特付这笔钱,因为他不知道这个规定。当我爸想给波特回电话时,他不回我爸的电话和信息。我父亲甚至找来了凯文·达克沃斯(达克、杰罗姆和达蒙都是我们的顾客。他们三个对我们都是真诚的人,达克和杰罗姆是我们的常客,达克是我父亲最亲近的人),他们给波特留下了信息,告诉他当时的情况,直到16或17年后的今天,仍然没有任何消息。1800美元对波特这种级别的人来说算什么? The only numbers I recognize in the rafters of retired numbers are Walton and Drexler, and it bugs me that there are so many undeserving numbers hanging... However, the one that would bug me the most would be the familiarity of Terry Porter. Terry Porter: The real "Dirty-Thirty"... Now, I am not saying don't retire Terry Porter because he screwed my dad out of $1,800... It's simple: * How many championships did this guy bring to this city… Zilch!! * Were his numbers worthy… I don't think so (14.5 points, 6.8 assists in a Blazer uniform). Stats put Porter at best the 2nd best player on this team and was light-years away from Drexler. A retired number should be something special and reserved for the MAIN players. We're going to run out of numbers at this rate. As Canzano put it as it's like looking into the Celtics rafters... only the championships are missing. AND this one quote of the night from my cousin Victor on why we shouldn’t retire Terry Porter's number: "We shouldn’t retire Porter’s number simply because Oden, Roy, Aldridge and Rudy will be better!!"