那么要多久我们才能从这个大家伙那里得到第一个完美的20分,10篮板,5盖帽比赛呢?我不是说我期待今晚的比赛,但看着他从对迈阿密的比赛到NO的进步,我不得不说我不会感到惊讶。我当然是那些说我们需要等待2-3个月才能看到真正的奥登的人之一,但我承认我对奥登目前的情况感到失望(“这一点”几乎是在昨天的比赛之前)。我不是白痴,我知道他需要时间来恢复状态。但我们昨晚看到的是一个在疲劳状态下仍在比赛的人,他仍然在篮板球和盖帽方面付出了巨大的努力,直到被罚下场。很明显这是背靠背的第二次,所以现实告诉我他今晚不会有爆发力。然而;有一种感觉告诉我,这个大个子的内心酝酿着一团火,他很快就有了信心。今晚谁来和他对垒?没有泰森·钱德勒能和他竞争。 I know Jefferson is 6-10, averages over 10 rebounds a game (8 of them defensive), but I get the feeling that Oden, with energy, can have his way with him when it comes to rebounds and put backs. So, will we get our first monumental performance from Oden tonight? Let me also say, I in NOW WAY am using that stat line as a measuring stick for Oden. If it doesn't happen all year it won't necessarily mean he isn't progressing and improving. I just know that I, along with everyone else, will enjoy the hell out of the game that that happens, and we all know it will eventually happen!