
垃圾画家:Blazer Vent和Extend线程波士顿损失

spet扩展线程表示Blazers今晚输到Boston 。请自由表达下方的vent

注意: 部分注释可能不完全精确, 因为这只是一局游戏 。


钱宁Frye-你花了我们最后三分第二季度。你的错误将动向注入波士顿口袋中并14比0结束半运行。甚至布什-白院都没有做这么糟糕的事情。也许你错过了你的真才并应该继续巡回演唱Your air-head ballerina play where you jumped up in the air and then decided to drop the ball was the worst play any NBA player has made.  Further, you made things worse by fouling some Celtic on the other end who made the bucket.  Even Stan Van Gundy on ESPN said that was the worst 24 seconds of NBA basketball he's ever seen.  Further complicating matters, your teammates (Steve Blake and Rudy) decided to copy your ballerina move.  You embarrassed us in front of a national audience.  I can't stand your preppy attitude towards basketball.  Get aggressive.  Block shots.  Rebound.  Help on weakside defense.  Just move your body!!!   Lastly, letting Kevin Garnett dunk on you with about 2:00 minutes remaining was perhaps the biggest letdown of all of your "depressions."  We could've cut the lead to under 10, but you we're out on the three point line with your Kodak camera taking pictures of Rajon Rondo.  Get your head in the game!!!


扩展值 :

Jerryd Bayless-你才是游戏受人尊重的原因。你应该正常轮播。为了省下NationalTV的难堪感,我授予你MVP荣誉奖项。现在我终于明白KP为什么设计你了。你至少12分钟游戏

ke Diogu- 这家伙应该得到更多PT 。 他至少应该选Channing的位子(至少到Martell返回为止 ) 。 他打得非常好反芝加哥数周前, 骨头错误比钱宁少。你玩得有耐性, 似乎你实际想出行动前的思维方式 。很好的工作
